Joined Campaign: April 2022

Flagship Group

Why ED&I is important to you

We aim for the Flagship Group to be a place where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and be empowered to represent the communities we serve. We actively advocate for justice and equality for marginalised communities, with initiatives such as employee training on hate-crimes and antiracism, and proportionality assessments on actions relating to the people living in our homes. We also implement transparent procedures to address any instances of harassment or discrimination. We firmly stand against all forms of prejudiced behaviour, and prioritise the education and awareness of our members, volunteers and employees, ensuring they are equipped to understand and support the experiences or marginalised individuals. By doing so, we aim to foster a culture of proactive allyship, and ensure positive employee and tenant experiences. 

Why being a Change the Race Ratio member is important to Flagship Group

We are committed to improving the experience of employees and tenants from under-represented backgrounds, and Change the Race Ratio allows us to be transparent about our commitment to be representative of the communities we serve. It also provides the opportunity for us to learn from other organisations that are champions for diversity, and encourage others to begin their journey. As an example, we shared our Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting with a Change the Race Ratio group and took on their feedback.

The actions you are taking towards your Change the Race Ratio commitments 

Our ethnicity commitment is to increase our workforce ethnic minority representation to 15% by 2030, in line with the latest census data for the East of England and communities we serve.
In 2023, we published our first ethnicity pay gap report, and have committed to continuing to report on it annually in line with our gender pay gap reporting. Over the last year, we have launched mandatory hate-crime and antiracism training for all employees to develop their confidence in reporting prejudiced behaviour. We have also taken a proactive approach to bolster school engagement and apprenticeship programmes by attending a series of school assemblies to advertise our apprenticeship opportunities and to tackle any social housing stigma. We also have college talent pipelines, mentoring training schemes to ensure apprentices are supported and are setting up new pipeline programmes with colleges across the region. Our approach and actions aim to cultivate a more diverse talent pool within the Flagship Group.

Read more about the actions the Flagship Group have taken

Gender & Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2023

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